Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2010

my comments on on A.S.Massoud

  • And what's more worse, some of our dumb-head afghans still follow the foot steps someone who, when still alive today, may have regretted his own policy of divide instead of uniting. Finally he would have seen that you cannot rule a country by overthrowing its foundation. At least since he would have realized that his this highly doubtful policy has attracted a bunch of small-minded persons here who are well on the way to destroy our identity as a enviable, colorful nation of peaceful diversity.
  • To do so, he broke with the most substantial rule that had guaranteed a long lasting stability of good relations between all afghan tribes(ethnics) which was the absolute commitment of Pashtouns and Tajiks to the policy of National Unity.
    All afghan leaders consider this policy to be put forward as their first and foremost duty whereas Mr. Massoud was the only exception. Since then peace in Afghanistan has to face a new enemy which is called ethnic conflicts.
  • Unfortunaly, I can't fully agree. Maybe he was a good man before 1995 but when the Taliban took over Mr. Massoud ran out of arguments why his soldiers should fight against such a superior, western-supported military power. After all, the soldiers were insecure why they should obey Massoud after he was dropped by these very same western supporters like a hot potato. In order to spur on his soldiers combative spirit Mr. Massoud came up with his idea of a battle for ethnic supremacy.

Samstag, 3. Juli 2010

د افغانستان د کريکټ د ملي لوبډلې کپتان نوروز منگل له ايرلنډ سره تر لوبې وړاندې بي بي سي ته وويل چې نورې لوبډلې پياوړې بولي او عادي يې نه گڼي .
اوريدلوخت: 02:08

افغان چارواکي د وړتياو لوړول،د پوهنې پراختيا، د ښونځيو جوړول، د حرفوي زده کړو د زمينې برابرول او په بيلابيلو بر خو کې د ځوانانو ښونه او روزنه غواړي .